Frequently Asked Questions

21DT.Life is a platform dedicated to helping individuals embark on a transformative 21-day journey to a healthier and happier life.

'DT' stands for 'Days Transform,' emphasizing the transformative journey individuals undergo during the 21-day challenges on our platform.

To get started, click on the 'Join the Challenge' in the header and follow the instructions provided. You can also contact our support team for assistance.

Yes, the program is available for one-time access at a cost of 499 Rs for the entire 21-day transformative journey.

We believe in the power of commitment, and charging for the program is a reflection of your commitment to your health journey. By investing in your well-being, you assign value to the transformative 21-day experience. Offering the program for free might lead to undervaluation, and we want you to fully commit to these 21 days. After completing the program, you'll realize that the charge is a small investment compared to the immense value and positive change you've gained.

Once you join the challenge after payment, you will receive the credentials for the web application. Additionally, you will be added to the participants WhatsApp group where you can share your progress, ask doubts, etc.

Once you log in for the first time, go to the profile page and update your details. This includes your height, weight, current lifestyle, health conditions. Updating your country and timezone is a must; otherwise, you will not see the challenges.

If you have not started the challenge, go to the challenge page and read the instructions carefully. Join the challenge, and once joined, there is no backing out. Each day will be enabled from 00:00 to 23:59:59, and you will have 24 hours to complete and submit the challenge.

As it's designed to be performed daily, once you miss the submission, you will not be able to submit the previous day's challenge.

If you have submitted the wrong data, you can modify it the same day within the closing window of 23:59:59. After that, you will not be able to modify it.

Skipping tasks is allowed, but it's recommended not to skip them. The tasks are designed to be easily achievable, and completing them will make you feel proud. Over time, you will notice positive changes in your lifestyle.

Yes, you can submit the tasks one by one as you perform them, or you can submit all at once. Submitting tasks one by one helps maintain motivation and prevents feeling overwhelmed at the end of the day. Some tasks are designed to be performed in the morning, like weight tracking and breakfast tracking.

As of now, you have to manually enter the data you performed. We are working on a mobile app, and in the future, we'll incorporate this feature.

We populate the data with the target value to make submission easy and convenient. However, some data should be filled with the actual values you performed to maintain motivation.

Yes, rest days are essential to maintain motivation. You will see rest days added to the challenge schedule.

The tasks are designed to be performed anywhere, except for weight tracking if you don't have a scale while traveling. All other tasks can be performed without issues.

Once the challenge has started, you cannot pause it. Habit-building programs work best without pausing. Building a habit becomes easier over time, but it can be challenging in the initial days.

Yes, you can join the challenge with your partner. Joining with a partner can be more motivating. Both participants need to purchase the program individually to track their progress and join the exclusive WhatsApp group.

Currently, our program offers a 21-day transformative journey. We are actively developing a subscription model to introduce multiple challenges, providing extended habit-building opportunities. Stay tuned for exciting updates as we strive to offer continuous support for your wellness journey.

No, cancellations are not available for the one-time access purchase. Once purchased, access is valid for the entire 21-day period.

You will be part of a dedicated WhatsApp group with all the participants and the mentor. In this group, you can ask your doubts, questions, and receive guidance and support.

The program ensures effectiveness and joy by incorporating accountability, progress tracking, interactive challenges, daily affirmations, weekly reflections, mind-body connection practices, mentor consultations, and community engagement through WhatsApp.